Sunday, July 7, 2013


     A lot of people ask me why I love Portland so much. There are a ton a reasons, but inevitably one of the top reasons is always, "I love that I can walk everywhere and anywhere". And it's true. For such a diverse and amazing community, Portland is, well let's just say it, small. I love that! I could literally walk from one side of Portland to the other in and afternoon, downtown area in less than an hour.
     So, we go for walks all the time. Now that we have Quail we walk even more. Sometimes it's to the store, or the playground. Sometimes the walk is just...around. We always have a good time, too. The girls have taken to carrying purses and/or bags, and I always anxiously await the hat choices. It keeps us relatively fit, though walking with a 2 and 5 year old is more of a mental challenge for the adults than a physical one. It saves on gas and wear on the vehicle and we never have to worry about parking. In addition, we've stumble across some great little spots here and there that we would have missed entirely had we not been on foot.
     And, truthfully, the view is pretty spectacular too. If you ask me.
Get moving, it's simple and free.
Simple City Sam 

1 comment:

  1. The little girls have taken to getting angry with grammy when I try to put them in a car, when they were visiting me, to go out to eat. They wanted to walk. The country concept and distance is lost on them- love it:)
