We heard about being able to plant your own pineapple just from the crown of a whole pineapple. I checked it out online (go here for the best info I've found) and sure enough, "they" say it can be done. So I decide it would be a great experiment for the girls. This is a long haul process and won't actually fruit for another two years, even if we do it right, according to my research.
Pop the top (the crown) off the pineapple. Cut and store the pineapple as you would with any of your prepped produce.
Remove some of the leaves from the stem; go about an inch up before you stop.
Skewer that baby and put it in a small cup with water. A lot of the pieces I read about this process suggested using toothpicks in the sides of the pineapple to support it. I have no idea how that would work, those pineapple crowns are rugged! We used corn on the cob picks and they worked like a charm! Freshen and/or change the water regularly and keep in direct sunlight.
After about two weeks we had some great roots starting to show.
We let it go for a total of about 3 weeks and then planted it on one of the first beautifully sunny days we had all season. It's always better to plant, even if in a pot, outdoors. It can just be so messy especially if children are involved...and mine always are.
A nice sized pot with proper drainage is needed. We will end up re-potting further down the line but it's still important for it to have plenty of room now.
Gently plant up to the leaves and, again, keep in direct sunlight. As always, many hands make light work.
Water weekly for about the next 2 years is what I've read. So we will go from here. Wish us luck and I'll keep you posted periodically. I'm also going to try for a visit to a pineapple field while visiting Hawai'i, maybe I can get some inspiration for the journey. I'll let you know how that goes too!
Until then, we'll just continue with our pineapple currently in progress.
Simple City Sam
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