I'm a firm believer in learning on the job as well as learning to take care of yourself. The girls have always helped around the house and the kitchen. My oldest especially loves to cook.
It helps with her focus and patience. Both of which are difficult for her (passed down from her parents...sorry kiddo).
It helps with sequencing and planning.
Obviously it makes a wonderful, hands on tool for size, measure, and identifying numbers.
The use of cookbooks is also a big help with basic reading and instruction following.
And most importantly it is a huge confidence and self esteem booster. She always feels like she's on cloud nine, you can see it on her face when she's done. She's always most proud when she eats something she made. It truly is beautiful.
I really try to live by the motto: "Don't forget you're raising adults, they will act like children all on their own". This is so true. They need us as parents to impart upon them major life skills. I believe this is a perfect and simple way to do that. Give them a job, responsibility and pride in their work. Maybe even instill a bit of work ethic. What?!
Allowing them to participate in life when they're are so desperate to, will make them ready to participate in life at those time they may not want to later down the road.
Simple City Sam
(And yeah, that's a vintage Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt she's wearing. Sometimes I passed down good stuff too baby girl, sometimes.)
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