Monday, March 25, 2013

Potty Training

      We are in full potty training mode over here. There is only one little girl still in training pants and she is making some real headway. Besides, let's be real, a lot of potty training is really about the parent being relentless and focused and proactive. All of which are hard to do with our very busy schedules! So here is what keeps her and I on track.
     I ask her every half hour if she "needs to use the bathroom?". Every hour I bring her in, sit her down and have her try. Sometimes we read stories or sing songs, more often than not, now, she just goes and is done quickly. No we are working on her cuing me when she needs to go.
     Every time she goes #1 she gets 1 sticker. For #2 she gets 2 stickers. If she shoots a combo she get 3 stickers!
     Each time she reaches the word "book" she gets to go pick out her new very own book, completely of her own choosing. I usually hit up the Goodwill or the local children's consignment shop to do this...we still don't need to spend a lot.
     Achieving the book becomes more difficult each time. She has earned one book so far and is moving right along. Today is the first day with NO ACCIDENTS at all! A few days ago we even reached the point of wearing "big girl undies" in public...still no accidents! Yay! She should be fully trained (ok maybe not overnight...little bladders can only do so much!) by the time we reach the end of the chart.
     This system worked like a charm for her older sister. And after about of month of only wearing training pants at night she had trained herself fully! I'm hoping the pattern repeats itself.
     I've already got our household waste down to one trash bag a week, which is good because we have to buy special "city bags" which cost an arm and a leg. Of course that is still mostly training pants! I realize cloth would already alleviate this problem but I never started that and jumped on the bandwagon too late, and as I've said before, it's about simplifying YOUR life not trying to fit to some other's mold. So now we are potty training and she is really almost there! Oh yeah, and she's only 28 months old. Her sister was trained much sooner than this, but I've notice she is actually ahead of her peer curve.
The end is in sight, and it is filled with clean sheets, no living room puddles and trash bags that last 2 weeks! I can't wait, I must stay the course!
Simple City Sam

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