Sure, your grandmother, and maybe even mother, cloth diapered. It was very environmentally friendly and inexpensive. However, she did not go on-line or to her nearest boutique and purchase trendy cloth diapers at $15 per "fuzzy closure" and inserts for $1.50 each. That would have been impractical. And here's the point I'm making. It's not simplifying life to have to seek out "green" alternatives and spend more to feel better about saving! Take a few minuets and research ways of making your own cloth diapers if you're committed to that idea; truly simplify! If not, there is no shame in a disposable diaper, if that's what best fits your needs, but there are ways to simplify there, too. Do your research and choose a brand that will hold up so you won't have to change 20 diapers in a day just to throw them away. And as soon as possible, probably before you even realize your little one is ready, potty train him/her! I know it's revolutionary, but if they're not in diapers you're not throwing away diapers. Again, simplify!
Composting is trendy now too! You can go to your local hardware store or online and buy your own home composting kit, and again be spending money you're supposed to be saving. Or you could simply look into local businesses. Here in Portland, we have a great opportunity to compost curbside with Garbage to Garden. The best part is that it will only cost $11/month OR you can accept volunteering opportunities and get the service for free!!! No that's simplifying. In one fell swoop I started composting, cut my garbage output (as well as pricey town mandated garbage bags), joined others in my community in a like-minded action, and it didn't actually cost me more than the original $11 start up fee. On top of all that, they will bring me mature compost, for free, in the summer when I need it for my pallet garden, what could be better?
Everybody and their mother seems to be crafting these days. Me? Guilty as charged! In fact, I have resurrected a crafting business my grandmother and mother started decades ago. It's nothing fancy, but 3 generations of women in my family get to get together and quilt, make plush novelties, toys, and random creations. I have additionally begun including soaps and detergents on the side. The endeavour is meant to help make ends meet by bringing in a little extra money at craft fairs and the like. How on earth do I simplify crafting? Nearly everyone else I know who crafts spends hours and hundreds of dollars at the craft stores. My philosophy for crafting is very much that of the early Folk Art movement. Use craps, left overs and be creative. If you have to go to the craft store for canvas blocks, special paint, a chiseled brush,... oh look a cute scarf (I'll get that too)..., and stencils JUST so you can go home and make one cutesy wall hanging that reads "home is where the heart is", then you are NOT simplifying. Did you really need that wall hanging for the $25 it cost? I can feed my whole family of 4 for days, at home with $25 (we'll cover that later). Would it not have been just as rewarding to cut a large piece of cardboard from one of your kids many Christmas toys' boxes and let them finger paint like crazy? You could use a marker you've already got a home, or maybe even print letters from your home PC, and neatly print "home is where the heart...or mess is". Now frame it in an inexpensive frame (thrift stores are great for these!!!) and it probably cost you all of $3 total. Way simpler, and probably will have more meaning!
Just remember that it's about making life simpler not more difficult. Try not to get sucked into the trends, take a look around and have fun. Hiking, backyard camping, family car-sing-alongs, hugs & kisses, and so many other things are FREE and SUPER EASY, go do them!
Best of Luck,
Simple City Sam
Love this.. great idea!